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Two small business owners look concerned, with the caption, "Marketing is a really, really important business tool. But sometimes, you have some work to do first."

Seven signs your business will benefit from more marketing… and six times it won’t

Marketing: is it for you? As marketers, we are firm believers that businesses can’t thrive without good marketing, because marketing is a powerful tool to get customers in the door.  But we’re going to be the first to tell you: more marketing is not always a smart first move for every business. Most, yes… but not all. But how do you know? Seven signs that marketing will really help your business You have a lot of really happy customers, but...
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A man recording a vlog, with the quote, "The best way to create great content is to share what you're passionate about"A man recording a vlog, with the quote, "The best way to create great content is to share what you're passionate about"

Five Brainstorming Ideas for Great Content Marketing

Content marketing can be a very effective part of a long-term marketing plan, particularly for service businesses. This is why 70% of marketers actively invest in content marketing.  It is, especially, one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing a small business can do. We’ve talked about that here already, so I won’t go into all that now. Suffice it to say, content is a good thing. Of course, one of the major downsides of content marketing is that you...
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Man writing in a calendar, with the quote, "Marketing, like puppies, can't be set up then just left alone."

Four quarterly marketing checks every small business should make

We just blew through the end of another quarter, which means several things for small businesses, including taxes. Sigh. Let’s talk about marketing checkups. If you’re not already doing so, you really should be checking in on your marketing every quarter, especially if you tend to get it started and then go off and do other things, like run your business. Marketing—like children, puppies, and a lot of other things in life—can’t be just set up then left to sort...
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A man handing cash, with the caption, "You can't grow if you don't provide funding for marketing. Make it a priority."

How the heck do I afford marketing???

You’ve put your business plan together. You have sold a few widgets so you know people like and want your product. You have your supply chain figured out, and have ironed the kinks out of your service model. Things are going pretty smoothly.   But you need more customers.   So, you think to yourself, “I know, I need to get some marketing together”. And you call up a marketing company (like ourselves), or do some research on how to...
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Hands holding a loaf of bread, with the caption, "Marketing is like making bread: all you need is patience, practice, and a good troubleshooting guide."

Six quick Marketing troubleshooting tips (or why marketing is like baking bread)

Marketing a small business is a bit like making bread. You add all the right ingredients, do the right steps, and if you know what you’re doing, you end up with great results. But go a little bit wrong along the process – knead it too much, let it rise too long, mess up the ingredients – and you’ll find yourself without much to sink your teeth into. Before you run off sobbing to your desk, let me give you...
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