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Content marketing

Hands typing on a keyboard, with the caption, Good blogs are a fantastic way to promote your business online. But you have to write them.

How to Write a Great Blog

I know what you’re thinking: Writing is the worst! You haven’t had to write a paper since graduation; why ruin that streak now by writing a blog? While writing may in fact be the worst (said the writer), it’s an important part of any digital marketing campaign. Why? Because blogs are one of the best things you can do to get noticed online. Studies have shown that websites with blogs have a 434% chance of ranking higher in the search...
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A man recording a vlog, with the quote, "The best way to create great content is to share what you're passionate about"A man recording a vlog, with the quote, "The best way to create great content is to share what you're passionate about"

Five Brainstorming Ideas for Great Content Marketing

Content marketing can be a very effective part of a long-term marketing plan, particularly for service businesses. This is why 70% of marketers actively invest in content marketing.  It is, especially, one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing a small business can do. We’ve talked about that here already, so I won’t go into all that now. Suffice it to say, content is a good thing. Of course, one of the major downsides of content marketing is that you...
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A writer, writing in a notebook, with the caption, "Most of us don't suffer from writer's block; we suffer from publication block."

Content marketing: when are you really ready to publish?

AKA: How to get past the doubts and get your content marketing program firing. It would be awesome if your computer had a little pop-up timer (like a Thanksgiving turkey) that popped up to let you know your latest blog or social media post was “ready”, wouldn’t it? Then you wouldn’t be constantly second-guessing what you’ve written, agonizing over every last comma and semicolon, wanting to make sure it’s absolutely PERFECT before publishing to the world wide web… But the...
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A man looking at an idea board, with the caption, "Not all marketing channels are built for small business. Choose carefully for your audience and your budget."

The top marketing strategies for small business, examined.

You’ve decided to take the plunge and up-level the marketing of your business. Congratulations, that’s awesome! Deciding to take control of your destiny by efficiently driving new customers to your company is a huge, (if sometimes daunting), decision. Of course, the first question most business owners ask is “OK, so what do I need to do?”  And this is a great question; there are a lot of different marketing vehicles (also known as marketing channels) out there, and they all...
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A wall of vintage advertisements, with the caption, "Think marketing doesn't work? You may be doing it wrong."

Marketing doesn’t work! Or so we’ve heard.

One of the more common things we hear when talking to business owners is, “I’ve tried marketing before and it just doesn’t work.” Other variations are, “I’ve done Facebook marketing before and it didn’t work”, “I’ve tried search marketing and it didn’t work”, “I’ve tried email marketing and it didn’t work”… you get the idea. And indeed, marketing ISN’T a magic cure-all that will instantly turn your business around, and so some of these comments definitely have a kernel of...
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